19 Janvier 2015 | Aéronautique | Inria
Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing
Type de contrat
Présentation de l'entreprise
« Established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies. The researchers at Inria published over 4,800 articles in 2010. They are behind over 270 active patents and 105 start-ups. The 171 project teams are distributed in eight research centers located throughout France. » http://www.inria.fr/
Mission The DIANA team conducts research in the domain of networking, with an emphasis on designing, implementing, and analysis of new network architecture with a special focus on Internet users rights. The main objective of the team is to propose and study new architectures, services and protocols that will enable service transparency and better control on user data in the context of hundred billions mobile connected devices. The main research directions are: Internet citizen rights observatory Open Network architecture We envision that mobile devices will become the primary Internet access for most users and foresee a convergence between desktops, laptops and those mobile devices. In the DIANA team, we focus our research effort taking into account this new and disruptive context where the main usage is accessing contents and services rather than connecting to well defined hosts.
Profil recherché
The redirection of traffic will be performed using two technologies: For all devices, the Helix box will be the how Wifi access point. So all traffic will go through this box. For all devices outside of home, a VPN technology will be used to redirect securely all traffic to the Helix box. The proposed solution is strongswan (https://www.strongswan.org/). So the first task is to make strongswan work on the Helix box that are running Debian The encrypted traffic must be descripted and analyzed on the fly. So the candidate must implement a SSL bumping solution enabling on-the-fly description of SSL traffic for analysis. The proposed solution is to use Squid (http://www.squid-cache.org/). The second task is to make squid SSL bumping work on the Helix box. The candidate must also implement a traffic analysis solution. The proposed solution is to use Bro (https://www.bro.org/). The third task is to make Bro work on Helix box.
Date de début
2500 – 2800 €
Lieu de travail
sophia antipolis (06900)
Please send your detailed Resume and Covering letter showing your interest and letters of recommendation. directly on the web site inria by email to : arnaud.legout@inria.fr ? Applications will be admitted until the position is filled
L’EPF est une école d’ingénieurs généralistes post-bac qui propose une formation d’ingénieurs généralistes, 2 formations binationales et une formation par apprentissage, toutes habilitées par la CTI.
ESTACA forme en 5 ans après le Bac des ingénieurs dans les secteurs Automobile, Aéronautique, Spatial, Transports urbains et ferroviaires. Membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles et habilitée par la Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs.
Le MSc Ingénierie d’Affaires : une double compétence technologique et managériale pour manager les projets innovants du futur.
Ecole d'ingénieur post-bac fondée en 1936 et habilitée par la Cti depuis 1957, l'Efrei compte 7 000 diplômés et accueille près de 1200 élèves chaque année.
Ingésup est une école d'informatique qui propose un enseignement technologique, managérial et économique pour préparer au mieux les étudiants à un rôle d'expert et de manager dans l'entreprise.
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